
I am a graduate from Full Sail University (Sept. 3, 2010) with a bachelors degree in video game development. Before I came to the school I was programming games on my own using Blitz Basic and Blitz3D. I was also in the Javascript club in my 9th grade of high school and I helped co-teach visual basic in my advanced computers class in the 12th grade. My goal in life is having a career as a game developer working in the industry and I believe I’m on my way to accomplish that. Here you can find some games I’ve worked on in the past and just general information, so take a look around!

I currently work as a Software Engineer 2 at EA.

Previous positions:

Software Engineer 3 – TinyCo

Senior Software Engineer – Rockyou

Senior Software Engineer – Disney Interactive/Playdom

Gameplay Programmer – Disney Interactive/Playdom

Junior Programmer – Method Solutions